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Learning/Teaching/Training meeting - Ischia

May 14 - 18, 2018

The aim of meeting:

The planned activities are implementing two of eight values as pieces of mosaic 1. Clothes, dressing
and folkl art, 2. Traditional crafts
ï‚· introduction of the guests and of their traditional costumes.
ï‚· Presentation of the partner schools to the local community using videos and others devices.
ï‚· The partner schools prepare and dress their model dolls in a space reserved to them in the
costumes exhibition.
ï‚· Bio coaching for Euromosaica’s schools
ï‚· welcome exhibition of the local products, costumes, dresses, pottery, embroidery, all hand
made by local people.
ï‚· lesson about the weaving of raffia baskets and of ‘ndrezziatelli (dolls)
ï‚· Ischia Ponte, “Discovering Aenaria” by boat
ï‚· Visit of the shops selling typical local products.
ï‚· Tour in the school Villa Durante
ï‚· Guided tour of the island by bus
ï‚· School exhibition at the sports field: Progetto legalità – Erasmus – Scuola Viva.
ï‚· Marconi school: visit of the classrooms and presentation of Senza Zaino model.
ï‚· Visit of the costumes exhibition.



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