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Carnival in Sicily

Carnival in my hometown I live in Taormina, a little town in Sicily. In my hometown there isn’t a big carnival celebration but in some towns in Sicily, in Acireale,for example, there is a big carnival with a lot of costumes and parades. In Taormina carnival lasts four days, from Saturday to Tuesday; this year it will be celebrated at the beginning of March but last year it was celebrated in Febraury. The parades take place along Corso Umberto, the main street in our town, on Sunday and on Tuesday. I like Carnival but I don’t participate to parades because I’m too old!!!!!


The most famous carnival in Sicily is the Acireale carnival., in the Province of Catania. Acireale’s Carnival boasts an almost-ancient tradition, having begun in the 16th Century. Peculiar to this fest was the launching of rotten eggs and citrus fruits in streets – at least until an edict finally banned this “game.” It was only in the 1930s that papier-mache masks entered into the picture, along with floats led by steers and accompanied by various characters and satirical groups in constant movement. Making the Carnival of Acireale even more spectacular are the parades of floats, a show for thousands of tourists every February. So beloved is the Carnival of Acireale that the act is repeated in August: taking advantage of the beautiful summer nights.


Carnival in my city is , this year, from February 28th to March 4th. Accordind to tradition, we dress and make-up in a funny way and throw the confetti and streamers in the streets. We make typical sweets called "chiacchiere", they are fried biscuits with icing sugar on them

People build themed carts that go on parade through the main streets of the city , surrounnded by people with children. The atmosphere is very joyful.

Peppe Nappa by Tommaso 1A A mask of Sicilian origin ,takes its name from the diminutive Sicilian name “ Peppe ” and Nappa, which means patch, so that it represents a man with lots of patches in his trousers and indicates a man who is a nobody. The costume consists of a large blue jacket, trousers and a felt hat, the face is devoid of a mask and make up.

Arlecchino is the most famous mask in Italy. He has a suit of a hundred colours, due to the good heart of his companions who, on the occasion of the Carnival, gave him pieces of cloth from their clothes, so that he too had a costume. He is naive and gullible but he’s smart and nimble like a cat. He is a servant in constant struggle with his master.

Sicilian Carnival traditions

February means Carnival and even in Sicily this holiday is celebrated following a bunch of traditiony. Food,parades, many children (and not only) dressed in fancy dresses around the streets. Sicily houses some of the most outstanding Carnivals in the Italy. According to the Catholic tradition , it’s celebrated before the beginning of the lent and represents a period of freedom , happiness , jokes and amusement . Masks hide even social differences: once a year , Carnival gives the opportunity to behave differently and go beyond the ordinary life.


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